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Goods and service tax will finally be implemented in India starting July 1, 2017, and the
registration for taxpayers and GST practitioners is now open on the GST portal
gst.gov.in however, the question of how to register for GST in India and
the documents required has many people confused. There are a few important
dates in the coming month that are important to file for GST and these dates,
and the entire process is available on the official government portal for GST.
After years of discussion and planning, GST will finally be rolled out in just
a few days and as we get ready for this change here is the entire process of
GST and the list of people eligible to pay this new and unified tax.
Photo Credits: GST Portal
How to Register for GST?
The steps to register for GST are very simple and can be finished in a matter
of few minutes if the documents required are all kept ready in hand. The most
important question to answer is if you are actually eligible for GST and
fulfill the criteria required. Everyone from a casual taxable person to
the Non-Resident taxable person and businessmen are taxable under GST if their
turnover in a financial year exceeds Rupees 20 lakhs (Rupees 10 lakhs for
Special category states) and these tax payers need to register for GST and
abide by the dates provided by the government to complete the process of filing
GST. Here is the complete process of how to register for GST, documents
required as well as important dates to remember.
Photo Credits: GST Portal
The process of registration for GST is quite simple. The
online portal provides the first form for registration at reg.gst.gov.in/registration/ and
the form asks for some basic information like the state of the person or
organisation registering and whether they are taxpayers, tax deductor, Tax
collector or GST practitioner. The legal name of the business, PAN and Email
address and mobile number of the applicant. After this process a one-time
password is generated to the registered mobile number and the second form, Form
B can be accessed and filled. After both, the forms are filled, and the
necessary documents are submitted a GST officer will verify the application and
approve the request or ask for more documents. Once the application has been approved
the GST registration certificate will be received.
Who is Eligible to Register for GST?
The eligibility criteria for registration under GST are based on a set of rules
designed by the government and may vary a little in every state. The basic
criteria for GST registration are to have an annual turnover higher than Rupees
20 lakhs, (Rupees 10 lakhs for Special category states). This turnover is only
eligible to business, casual taxable person as well as the non-resident taxable
person who deals in goods and services business in any way. Supply of only
those goods/services which are exempt under GST are not counted in this list. A
casual taxable person is an Indian who occasionally takes up the supply of only
those goods/services which are exempt under GST. A non-resident taxable person
is a non-resident of India who
follows the same practice.
Documents Required for Registration of GST:
The basic documents required for
the registration under GST include the PAN of the business without which the
registration process for any business cannot take place. In addition to this,
the ROC of the company, Memorandum of Association (MOA) /Articles of
Association (AOA), Copy of Bank Statement, Declaration to comply with the
provisions and Copy of Board resolution are also required to be uploaded on the
website. Office documents like Copy of electricity bill/landline bill, water
Bill, No objection certificate of the owner and Rent agreement (in case
premises are rented). In the case of a partnership firm, the deed of
partnership also needs to be uploaded and any extra documents required will be
asked after the submission of Form B.
Important Dates to Remember:
GST registration has already begun on the
government portal, and the dates for filing GST returns that people need to
remember. The outward sales by business forms need to be filed by the 10th of
next month. For example, if the monthly filing is for the month of July then
the first GSTR 1 form will be due on August 10. The purchase returns for the
business will be filed by the 15th of the next month while the GST Monthly
return along with the payment of tax will be due on the 20th of next month. The
Periodic GST return for Non-Resident Foreign Taxpayer also needs to be filed by
the 20th of next month and Return for Input Service Distributor (ISD) will be
due on the 15th. Meanwhile, the GST Return for TDS and E-commerce Operator are
due on the 10th of next month and the annual returns for should be filed by December
31 of the next financial year. In addition to this, there is a quarterly filing
for GST Quarterly return for Composition Taxpayers, and the due date for this
will be the 18th of the month next quarter. For example for the quarter ending
on September 30, the due date will be October 18.
Photo Credits: GST Portal
The implementation of Goods and
Service tax has been awaited for a long time as the government hopes to bring
in a unified system and single taxing format all over India. Now The
Narendra Modi government has been planning the taxing system under GST for
years now, and after a lot of delays, GST will finally meet its final deadline
of July 1, 2017. Amitabh Bachchan has been roped in as the brand ambassador of
GST, and the government is trying its best to remove all the uncertainty
attached to the new change and make the shift to GST as easy and accessible as
आज की इस भाग-दौड़ भरी जिंदगी में कई लोग बवासीर से पीड़ित हैं. बवासीर का मुख्य कारण अनियमित खानपान और कब्ज है. बवासीर में मलद्वार के आसपास की नसें सूज जाती हैं.
यह दो तरह का होता है :
अंदरूनी बवासीर- इसमें सूजन को छुआ नहीं जा सकता है, लेकिन इसे महसूस किया जा सकता है.
बाहरी बवासीर- इसमें सूजन को बाहर से महसूस किया जा सकता है. इसकी पहचान बहुत हीं आसान है.
अगर आपको भी मल त्यागते वक्त बहुत दर्द होता है, मलद्वार से खून आता है या खुजली होती है, तो आपको बवासीर है.
तो आइए कुछ घरेलू कारगर उपाय जानते हैं, जिनसे आप बवासीर से मुक्ति पा सकते हैं.
बवासीर का देसी ( घरेलू ) इलाज :
रेशेदार चीजें नियमित खाना शुरू कीजिए, इन्हें अपने दैनिक भोजन का एक आवश्यक अंग बना लीजिए और आपको खट्टे, मिर्ची वाले, मसालेदार और चटपटे खाने से कुछ दिनों के लिए परहेज करना पड़ेगा. जबतक कि आपका बवासीर पूरी तरह से खत्म नहीं हो जाता है.
हर दिन आठ-दस ग्लास पानी जरुर पिएँ. खाना समय से खाएँऔर हर दिन व्यायाम करें.
रात में 100 ग्राम किशमिश पानी में फूलने के लिए छोड़ दें और फिर सुबह में जिस पानी में किशमिश को फुलाया है, उसी पानी में किशमिश को मसलकर खाएँ. कुछ दिनों तक लगातार इसका उपयोग करना बवासीर में अत्यंत लाभ करता है.
एक चम्मच शहद में एक चौथाई चम्मच दालचीनी का चूर्ण मिलाकर खाने से फायदा पहुँचता है.
50 ग्राम बड़ी इलायची लीजिए और इसे भून लीजिए. जब यह ठंडी हो जाए, तो इसे अच्छी तरह से पीस लीजिए और फिर हर दिन सुबह खाली पेट में इसे कुछ दिनों तक नियमित पिएँ. यह आपको बहुत फायदा पहुंचाएगा.
बवासीर के ऊपर अरंडी का तेल लगाने से राहत मिलती है.
डेढ़ से दो लीटर मट्ठा लीजिए और इसमें 50 ग्राम जीरा पाउडर और थोड़ा सा नमक मिला लीजिए और जब-जब आपको प्यास लगे तो पानी की जगह इस मट्ठे को पिएँ. कुछ दिनों तक ऐसा करने से बवासीर का मस्सा कम हो जाता है.
आम की गुठली के अंदर के भाग, और जामुन की गुठली के अंदर के भाग को सूखा लें, फिर इन दोनों का चूर बना लें. और फिर इस चूर को एक चम्मच हल्के गर्म पानी या मट्ठे के साथ कुछ दिन तक नियमित पिएँ. यह आपको लाभ पहुंचाएगा.
राजमा, बीन्स, दालें और मटर को अपने दैनिक आहार का हिस्सा बनाएँ.
फलों के ताजा जूस और सब्जियों के सूपको नियमित पिएँ और हर दिन सुबह केले का सेवन करें.
शराब न पिएँ, और चाय या कॉफ़ी का भी कम से कम सेवन करें.
रात में खजूर को फूला लें. और सुबह फूला हुआ खजूर खाएँ यह पेट को ठीक रखने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है.
मैं आशा करता हूं कि आपको लाभ मिलेगा,
यह लेख आपको कैसा लगा, यह हमें जरुर बताएँ और साथ हीं अपने अनुभव भी हमारे साथ जरुर शेयर करें.
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An "Amusement Park" is a park that features various attractions, such as rides and games, as well as other events for entertainment purposes. A theme park is a type of amusement park that bases its structures and attractions around a central theme, often featuring multiple areas with different themes. Unlike temporary and mobile funfairs and carnivals, amusement parks are stationary and built for long-lasting operation.
They are more elaborate than city parks and playgrounds, usually providing attractions that cater to a variety of age groups. While amusement parks often contain themed areas, theme parks place a heavier focus with more intricately-designed themes that revolve around a particular subject or group of subjects. Amusement parks evolved from European fairs, pleasure gardens and large picnic areas, which were created for people's recreation. World's fairs and other types of international expositions also influenced the emergence of the amusement park industry.
The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival held in Venice, Italy. The Carnival ends with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty days before Easter, on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. The festival is world famous for its elaborate masks.
Thousands of tourists come to Venice to see and take part in its magnificent Carnival; walking round in fancy dress in this city's magical scenery means taking part in a truly exceptional happening. Those mysterious, disturbing Venetian masks, eyeing you from the city's alleyways are part of what we imagine the Venetian world would have been like 300 years ago. They are an irresistible attraction for what is undoubtedly one of the world's most unique experiences: the re-living of 18th century Venice.
Wearing masks has always been more than just simple fun for the Venetians; it is still a strongly felt tradition with deep cultural roots.
The Carnival itself, meant letting-go and abandoning oneself to play; freedom, transgression and good-willed madness. Palaces opened their courtyards to celebrations and there was music and dancing all day and all night in the alleyways, small squares and even on the water. Venice was alive with sound and colour.
(Venice is a city in northeastern Italy and the capital of the Veneto region.)
Venice, the capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region, is built in a group of 118 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals – including the Grand Canal thoroughfare – lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces. The central square, Piazza San Marco, contains St. Mark’s Basilica, which is tiled with Byzantine mosaics, and the Campanile bell tower offering views of the city’s red roofs.
Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world for its celebrated art and architecture
Tourism has been a major sector of Venetian industry since the 18th century, when it was a major center for the Grand Tour, with its beautiful cityscape, uniqueness, and rich musical and artistic cultural heritage. In the 19th century, it became a fashionable centre for the "rich and famous", often staying or dining at luxury establishments such as the Danieli Hotel and the Caffè Florian
Venice has a rich and diverse architectural style, the most prominent of which is the Gothic style. Venetian Gothic architecture is a term given to a Venetian building style combining use of the Gothic lancet arch with Byzantine and Ottoman influences. The style originated in 14th-century Venice, where the confluence of Byzantine style from Constantinople met Arab influence from Islamic Spain. Chief examples of the style are the Doge's Palace and the Ca' d'Oro in the city. The city also has several Renaissance and Baroque buildings, including the Ca' Pesaro and the Ca' Rezzonico
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